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UKIMWI bado ni janga kubwa duniani. Kitabu hiki kinatia moyona kufundisha njia za kinga. Kinazungumzia pia sababu za kijamii. Mitindo ya Ushauri Nasaha wa Kiroho inaonyeshwa. Waandishi wamewahi kushirikiana katika Idara ya Uchungaji,...
5,00 € *
The practice of human sacrifice among the Maasai is against human rights. Killing of a member of their community is against the social laws of the Maasaihowever during the Eunoto ceremony a member of the age-set which celebrates the...
15,00 € *
This is a dictionary of the Oceanic language of Nguna, also known as Nakanamanga, North Efate, or Ngunese. It is the somewhat belated sequel to Al Schütz's Nguna texts and Nguna grammar of 1969. Ngunese is the main language of the...
32,00 € *
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